
The main library consists of a core package and several additional packages for integration of the core into CAD software. The core package defines all real functionality. The CAD packages simply provide a unified framework for processing, visualising and interacting with datastructures and geometrical objects, and for building user interfaces in different CAD software.

Core functionality

To deal with the different academic backgrounds, programming skills, computational experience, and best/accepted practices of its users and their respective fields, COMPAS is implemented primarily in Python and designed to be entirely independent of the functionality of CAD software. As a result, it can be used on different platforms and in combination with external software and libraries, and at the same time take advantage of the various scientific and non-scientific libraries available in the Python ecosystem itself. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, it ensures that research based on COMPAS is not tied to a specific CAD-based ecosystem.

Currently compas contains several sub-packages, which can be divided into four categories.


  • compas.com: communication with external software

  • compas.files: handlers for file formats related to geometry definition, cad interoperability, manufacturing

  • compas.interop: interoperability with C/C++ code and libraries

  • compas.utilities: other useful things


  • compas.datastructures: mesh (half-edge), network (graph), volmesh (half-plane)


  • compas.geometry: geometry processing

  • compas.numerical: numerical methods, solvers, …

  • compas.topology: combinatorics, traversal, subdivision, …


  • compas.plotters: 2D visualisation, dynamic plots, basic interaction

  • compas.viewers: basic 3D visualisation

CAD integration

The core functionality of compas is implemented independent of the functionality provided by CAD software. This ensures that research based on COMPAS is not tied to a specific tool chain en can be used more flexibly in different environments and on different platforms.

However, in the context of this framework CAD tools are obviously indispensible tools to construct and manipulate geometry, apply constraints interactively, make user interfaces, or even just to use as viewer for running scripts. The CAD helper packages (compas_blender, compas_maya, compas_rhino) provide a unified and consistent interface to CAD tools and their ecosystems.