Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

    from paramiko import AutoAddPolicy
    from paramiko import SSHClient
except ImportError:

import os

__author__    = ['Andrew Liew <>']
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, Block Research Group - ETH Zurich'
__license__   = 'MIT License'
__email__     = ''

__all__ = [

[docs]class SSH(object): """ Initialse an SSH object. Parameters ---------- username : str Username. server : str ssh server address. Returns ------- None """
[docs] def __init__(self, server, username): self.server = server self.username = username self.client = self.create_client()
[docs] def create_client(self): """ Create SSH client with Paramiko. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- obj ssh client object. """ client = SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) try: client.connect(self.server, username=self.username) print('\n***** Connected to server: {0} with username: {1}'.format(self.server, self.username)) except Exception: print('\n***** Connection failed') return client
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the SSH object. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ self.client.close() print('\n***** SSH connection closed')
[docs] def receive_file(self, remote_file, local_file): """ Recieve a remote file from the ssh server. Parameters ---------- remote_file : str Path of the remote file to recieve. local_file : str Path to save the local file as. Returns ------- None """ command = 'scp {0}@{1}:{2} {3}'.format(self.username, self.server, remote_file, local_file) self.local_command(command)
[docs] def send_file(self, local_file): """ Send a local file to the ssh server. Parameters ---------- local_file : str Path of the local file to send. Returns ------- None """ command = 'scp {0} {1}@{2}:'.format(local_file, self.username, self.server) self.local_command(command=command)
[docs] def send_folder(self, local_folder): """ Send a local folder to the ssh server. Parameters ---------- local_folder : str Path of the local folder to send. Returns ------- None """ command = 'scp -r {0} {1}@{2}:'.format(local_folder, self.username, self.server) self.local_command(command=command)
[docs] def sync_folder(self, local_folder, remote_folder): """ Sync using rsync, a local folder to a remote folder on an ssh server. Parameters ---------- local_folder : str Path of the local folder to sync from. remote_folder : str Path of the remote folder to sync to. Returns ------- None """ command = 'rsync -Pa {0} {1}@{2}:{3}'.format(local_folder, self.username, self.server, remote_folder) self.local_command(command=command)
[docs] @staticmethod def local_command(command, folder=None): """ Enter a local BASH command. Parameters ---------- command : str The command to execute on the local system. folder : str Local folder to execute the command from. Returns ------- None """ print('\n***** Executing local command: {0}'.format(command)) if folder: os.chdir(folder) os.system(command) print('***** Done')
[docs] def server_command(self, command): """ Send a BASH command to run on the ssh server. Parameters ---------- command : str The command to run on the remote system. Returns ------- None """ print('\n***** Executing server command: {0}\n'.format(command)) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(command) for line in stdout.readlines(): print(line) for line in stderr.readlines(): print(line) print('***** Done')
# ============================================================================== # Main # ============================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': ssh = SSH(server='', username='liewa') ssh.send_file(local_file='/home/al/downloads/') ssh.server_command(command='ls') ssh.receive_file(remote_file='', local_file='/home/al/downloads/') ssh.close()