Using callbacks

compas implements a callback mechanism that provides a consistent way to customise algorithms, apply constraints, visualise progress of iterative algorithms, …


A callback is a function that is passed to another function as a parameter such that the latter function can call the former at any time during its own execution. Perhaps the name callback is based on the fact that through the callback the second function can “call back” into the scope where the first function was defined. Or perhaps not :), but it is a convenient way to think about it because at time of execution, the callback has access to the variables of the scope in which it was defined.

In principle, the mechanism can be summarised with the following snippets.


def algo(..., callback=None):

    if callback:
        if not callable(callback):
            raise Exception('The callback function is not callable.')

    # stuff

    for k in range(kmax):
        # stuffs

        if callback:

    # more stuffs

from algorithm import algo

text = 'iteration number:'

def callback(k):
    print(text, k)

algo(..., callback=callback)

In this case, the result would be a bit boring, because the callback would simply print the number of the current iteration of the algorithm. Note, however, that the callback has access to the variable text, even though that ariable was defined in a different context that the one in which the callback is called.

Dynamic visualisation

Throughout the main library, callbacks are often used in combination with the plotters to visualise intermediate steps of an algorithm, or to visualise the progress of an iterative algorithm. Both can be very useful mechanisms for debugging.

For example, from compas.geometry, an code snippet visualising the progress of an iterative smoothing algorithm (compas.geometry.mesh_smooth_centroid()).

import compas

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.plotters import MeshPlotter
from compas.geometry import mesh_smooth_centroid

mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('faces.obj'))

fixed = [key for key in mesh.vertices() if mesh.vertex_degree(key) == 2]

plotter = MeshPlotter(mesh, figsize=(10, 7))

lines = []
for u, v in mesh.edges():
        'start' : mesh.vertex_coordinates(u, 'xy'),
        'end'   : mesh.vertex_coordinates(v, 'xy'),
        'color' : '#cccccc',
        'width' : 0.5

plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: '#ff0000' for key in fixed})


def callback(mesh, k, args):

mesh_smooth_centroid(mesh, kmax=50, fixed=fixed, callback=callback)

We use a mesh plotter as visualisation tool.

plotter = MeshPlotter(mesh, figsize=(10, 7))

First, as a reference, we plot a set of lines corresponding to the original configuration of the mesh.

lines = []
for u, v in mesh.edges():
        'start' : mesh.vertex_coordinates(u, 'xy'),
        'end'   : mesh.vertex_coordinates(v, 'xy'),
        'color' : '#cccccc',
        'width' : 0.5

Then we initialise the vertices, edges and faces that will be updated at every iteration to visualise the process. We also tell the plotter to pause for a second, to be able to digest the orginal configuration before the smoothing starts.

plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: '#ff0000' for key in fixed})


The next step is to define the callback function that will update the plotter. The plotter has dedicated functions for this. They update the geometry of the collections of vertices, edges and faces while keeping the style attributes as they were set by the original calls to the draw functions. With a call to the general update function we update the drawing.

The callback is handed off to the smoothing algorithm, which will call it at every iteration. By default, the callback receives the mesh object and the number of the current iteration as firs and second parameter, and then any additional parameters that were passed to the algorithm.

def callback(mesh, k, args):

mesh_smooth_centroid(mesh, kmax=50, fixed=fixed, callback=callback)

Finally, we make sure that the plotting window remains active and visible.

The result shpould be something like this.


Applying constraints

Live interaction