CPython in Rhino

In Rhino, Python scripts can be used to

(from the docs what is python)

  • Automate a repetitive task in Rhino much faster than you could do manually.

  • Perform tasks in Rhino or Grasshopper that you don’t have access to in the standard set of Rhino commands or Grasshopper components.

  • Generate geometry using algorithms.

  • Many, many other things. It is a programming language after all.

Or, create

(also from the docs where can you use python in rhino)

  • Interactive scripts.

  • New custom commands.

  • Create new plug-ins.

  • Read and Write customized file formats.

  • Interact with cloud applications.

  • Create realtime links to other applications

  • Create customer Grasshopper components

  • Store and display project specific information beyond what basic Rhino can store.

Rhino runs Python scripts using IronPython 2.7. This is great because it provides access to the .NET framework. However, this also means that many (C)Python libraries are not available. For example Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, SimPy, Numba, NetworkX, CVXPY, Shapely, PyOpenGL, PySide, …

With compas.utilities.XFunc this limitation can be partly removed. Below is an example from the API reference.

import compas
import compas_rhino

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.utilities import XFunc
from compas_rhino.helpers import MeshArtist

mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('faces.obj'))

vertices = mesh.get_vertices_attributes('xyz')
edges    = list(mesh.edges())
fixed    = list(mesh.vertices_where({'vertex_degree': 2}))
q        = mesh.get_edges_attribute('q', 1.0)
loads    = mesh.get_vertices_attributes(('px', 'py', 'pz'), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

xyz, q, f, l, r = XFunc('compas.numerical.fd_numpy')(vertices, edges, fixed, q, loads)

for key, attr in mesh.vertices(True):
    attr['x'] = xyz[key][0]
    attr['y'] = xyz[key][1]
    attr['z'] = xyz[key][2]

artist = MeshArtist(mesh)


